Thursday 13 November 2008

13th november

I am going to start planning my magazine. I am using the magazine NME as a model which i'll take inspiration from, therefore my magazine is going to be an indie magazine. I am going to use the colour scheme of black, white, and orange. I am using orange, because it neither a feminine or masculine colour, therefore the magazine should be more sppealing to both men and women, and it will stand out. I will use fonts which is easy to read, and clear, and will use a maximum of three different fonts. A bold, hard font and a more curvey, relaxed one. I will use boxes and lines to emphasise any photographs on the front or words I want to stand out. I am using the band my boyfriend is in called "Losing Sight" -a hardcore band. They will feature on the front of the magazine and on the double page spread.

Wednesday 12 November 2008

12th november

I continued analysing the double page spread, but moved onto the second page.

  • The text is set out in columns.
  • There are three images on this page, they all relate to the topic of the double page spread, because they are pictures of the band Oasis, and that is who the article is about.
  • The clothes that the band are wearing, are the clothes "indie" bands wear, therefore it links to the genre of the magazine because NME is an indie magazine.
  • The band look like a band in their photosgraphs, because the largest photograph on this page, shows the band playing a gig- therefore the band have guitars and speakers on stage with them.
  • The colours used on the page are white, grey and brown. The use of brown makes the magazine more masculine, as women prefer brighter, lively colours in comparison to brown.
  • The fonts used on this page are easy to read.
  • A larger font has been used in the middle of the page "There is a new generation..." and the font type is different, to make it stand out more.

Monday 10 November 2008

10th november

I began to analyse the first page of a double page spread, from NME magazine.
  • The first page of the double page spread is a photograph of the band Oasis.
  • The photograph is of the band is them playing a gig therefore they fit the mise en scene because props they would need to play are gig are included in the photo eg. guitar, microphone, speakers, spot lights and so on.
  • There is some text but it is limited, because the photograph and the band are the main focal point on this page, and the text is on the following.
  • The main title "LIVE FOREVER" is in capital letters to make it stand out more, and the font is of a large size.
  • The white font against the dark photo makes it also stand out more.
  • The positioning of the band Oasis print, is positioned to look like the lead singer is putting his hand up to it.
  • The font used on the page stands out, and it easy to read.

Friday 7 November 2008

7th november

I analysed a contents page of the magazine NME.
  • The fonts used are the same type– all easy to read. Also, capitals are not used on the front cover of NME or on the contents page. The use of no capitals suggests that the magazine is targeting both men and women.
  • The writing is written in columns.
  • The colour scheme is the same as the front cover– yellow, red, black and white.
  • Black boxes are used to identify titles or headings.
  • The font NME is written in, is the same too, it is the most recognisable feature of the magazine.
  • The fonts are the same as they are on the cover of the magazine.
  • The image in the middle of the page is the only photograph, therefore it is the focal point of the contents page.

Thursday 6 November 2008

6th november

I analysed the front cover of rock magazine Kerrang today.
  • Ripped boxes make the magazine front cover edgier.
  • Limited colours, which are all mainly masculine colours of black, browny-gold, grey, white and red.
  • The font of the title of the magazine “KERRANG” looks like it has been smashed, therefore the magazine seems more edgy and aggressive.
  • This magazine’s genre is rock.
  • The main image in the front cover contains all men. The man who is in the middle and therefore the focal point, looks angry and fierce.
  • The men on the front all have a “K” award, which relates to the text box in the middle of the magazine.
  • All fonts are clear and bold. The use of capitals makes the font easier to read.
  • The images here relate to the genre– they are of rock bands or people at rock gigs.
  • There are no strap-lines on the magazine, everything is at the bottom of the front cover, and the information on the front is limited, which would make you want to buy the magazine more to find out what would be inside.
  • All of the text is in capital letters, and this makes the magazine cover more masculine.

Wednesday 5 November 2008

5th november

I chose the magazine Mojo to analyse firstly.
  • This magazine’s genre is indie.
  • "The music Presents" is written like hand writing, it’s soft.
  • The name of the magazine is "MOJO". The word mojo means "a magic power or magic spell".
  • The poplular music magazine is published by Bauer, monthly in the UK, following the success of the magazine "Q".
  • Some other bands or stars which would commonly be known by older people, are mentioned in the strap-lines.
  • Very simple colours, which add class to the magazine– red, white and black colour scheme.
  • The main image on the magazine is of a very famous man from music history– Syd Barret. He would be well known from the well known band Pink Floyd.
  • Bob Dylan is an older artist; the majority of a younger audience wouldn’t know who he is.
  • Large bold text is used to make the strap-lines stand out.
  • The picture being black and white makes the magazine look more classy. Also, as the mans face is the centre of all the text, making him the focal point of the cover.
  • Pink Floyd are another band known by an older audience.
  • Emblem detail around "1946" and "2006" applys class, and older people would be fond of the design.
  • Everyone likes freebee’s so the "FREE CD" text would make the magazine more appealing to people, as long as they like Bob Dylan as an artist. like Bob Dylan.
  • The magazine title is a simple, easy to read font– easy on the eye.