Friday 7 November 2008

7th november

I analysed a contents page of the magazine NME.
  • The fonts used are the same type– all easy to read. Also, capitals are not used on the front cover of NME or on the contents page. The use of no capitals suggests that the magazine is targeting both men and women.
  • The writing is written in columns.
  • The colour scheme is the same as the front cover– yellow, red, black and white.
  • Black boxes are used to identify titles or headings.
  • The font NME is written in, is the same too, it is the most recognisable feature of the magazine.
  • The fonts are the same as they are on the cover of the magazine.
  • The image in the middle of the page is the only photograph, therefore it is the focal point of the contents page.

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