Wednesday 12 November 2008

12th november

I continued analysing the double page spread, but moved onto the second page.

  • The text is set out in columns.
  • There are three images on this page, they all relate to the topic of the double page spread, because they are pictures of the band Oasis, and that is who the article is about.
  • The clothes that the band are wearing, are the clothes "indie" bands wear, therefore it links to the genre of the magazine because NME is an indie magazine.
  • The band look like a band in their photosgraphs, because the largest photograph on this page, shows the band playing a gig- therefore the band have guitars and speakers on stage with them.
  • The colours used on the page are white, grey and brown. The use of brown makes the magazine more masculine, as women prefer brighter, lively colours in comparison to brown.
  • The fonts used on this page are easy to read.
  • A larger font has been used in the middle of the page "There is a new generation..." and the font type is different, to make it stand out more.

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