Wednesday 5 November 2008

5th november

I chose the magazine Mojo to analyse firstly.
  • This magazine’s genre is indie.
  • "The music Presents" is written like hand writing, it’s soft.
  • The name of the magazine is "MOJO". The word mojo means "a magic power or magic spell".
  • The poplular music magazine is published by Bauer, monthly in the UK, following the success of the magazine "Q".
  • Some other bands or stars which would commonly be known by older people, are mentioned in the strap-lines.
  • Very simple colours, which add class to the magazine– red, white and black colour scheme.
  • The main image on the magazine is of a very famous man from music history– Syd Barret. He would be well known from the well known band Pink Floyd.
  • Bob Dylan is an older artist; the majority of a younger audience wouldn’t know who he is.
  • Large bold text is used to make the strap-lines stand out.
  • The picture being black and white makes the magazine look more classy. Also, as the mans face is the centre of all the text, making him the focal point of the cover.
  • Pink Floyd are another band known by an older audience.
  • Emblem detail around "1946" and "2006" applys class, and older people would be fond of the design.
  • Everyone likes freebee’s so the "FREE CD" text would make the magazine more appealing to people, as long as they like Bob Dylan as an artist. like Bob Dylan.
  • The magazine title is a simple, easy to read font– easy on the eye.

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